dreamingformeaning.com - the best dream dictionary is free online source for dream interpretation by spiritual, psychological, general aspects and with dream meanings by religions like Christianity, Islam and Hinduism. Start your journey of uncovering the meanings of your dreams here:
Warning if see cod – If you were dreaming about cod or cods. then this means that you have to look after your health;
Mental balance if fishing cod – Fishing of cods in a dream then this marks that you are seeking for mental balance and with patience you will recover;
Happy life if catch cods – To catch the cod or many of cods in your dream promises money, wealth and overall success.
Hindu (Hinduism)
Marriage if fish cods – Fishing of any kind of fishes including cods then this dream is interpreted as symbol of wedding and most often relates with wedding of one of your friends.
Arabian (Islamic)
Take care of health if eat or see cod fish – In the dream you see many cods and eat some of them, then this dream announces some health problems.